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Below is a short description of any new features, changes and fixes to the NPS.Today platform. It includes both frontend and backend changes to keep everything in one place.

All changenotes will be marked with the day the day they have been aplied to our production environment.

This changelog follows the standard from



  • Campaign dropdown on the dashboard reversed the list incorrectly such that picking the first campaign would display the last. This has been fixed and now correctly sorts campagins as newest first.
  • The email button @ on responses now works correctly on a specific campaign.
  • Long campaign names on in the navigation bar on a specific campaign page will now truncate depending on the space available.
  • Removed unused fields from Signup form.
  • Corrected field validation on signup form.



  • The endpoint /webhooks/status now accepts HEAD requests to support statuspage platforms.


  • Password requirements increased to 8 characters from 6. Users that does not meet the new requirements are forced to reset their password.



  • Two new experimental endpoints have been added to support request for responses based on a specific company or respondent on /respondents/responses and /companies/responses respectively by using external id's.
  • Users who have forgotten their password will now recieve an appropriate error message.
  • Users who have not yet confirmed their email will automatically recieve a new Invite email and get an error message telling them to follow instructions given in the email.
  • Users without access will now recieve a error message when trying to login telling them that they do not have access to any accounts.



  • Users without access to any accounts will nolonger be stuck in a loading loop when trying to login.



  • Fixed an issue that caused the Outlook user management tool to not show users.
  • Removed a few redundant # from css colors that cause some email clients to show wrong colors.
  • Corrected typos where the NPS.Today name would appear with a small letter ' t ' in some translations



  • Requests for more than 100.000 responses will be limited to return at most 100.000 responses.
  • Users with access to multiple logins will now see their accounts in alphabetical order



  • Emails now support the dynamic tag {REPLY_LINK} that can be used for redirecting respondents to your own website while including our unique reply id as parameter. Example {REPLY_LINK|Click here!|} will place a link with the test "Click here" pointing at<guid> The guid can then be used to iframe our reply page into any given web context.



  • Added parameter to GET /Campaigns to get only campaigns marked as being active &active=true


  • Corrected an issue where newly invited users were granted the lowest possible access level even when a higher level was chosen.
  • New users will now be correctly redirected from Account Setup and Reset Password pages to the login page.



  • Add new endpoint for PowerBI dashboards at /pbi/responses



  • Fixed a problem where some cases of the request /GET /Campaign/.../responses would return the SendTime in the ScheduleSurveyTime field


  • ScheduleSurveyTime should now be null if the survey was not sent by SMS or Email. This is always the case on campaigns marked as "Manual Delivery"



  • The GET /campaigns/{{campaignId}}/Responses and /campaigns/responses endpoint now has a Historic boolean parameter that forces the response to use historic external id's if true and contemporary data if false. Contemporary external ID's is marked on the Respondent and updated every time the respondent gets a new externalId when they are added to a campaign.



  • The label on Email in the add user dialogue now shows proberly
  • Fixed an issue where the entire email field in the add use rdialogue did not show at all in Firefox



  • Organization name and display name is now shown in the top everywhere on to ensure that users with multiple accounts know exactly what account they are logged in to.


  • Fixed display issues with all settings pages to match the design of the rest of the portal.
  • Fields in user profile settings are update to include correct names and hints.
  • Profile fields are now have prober translations to both english and danish.



  • New endpoint for GET /organization/profile that provides only Organization information as it is stored in the database.
  • New endpoint for PUT /organization/profile to update above.
  • Logging in to multiple organizations now shows both Organization Name and DisplayName
  • Organization Logo will now show when logging in.


  • Dashboard dropdown for selecting campaign is reversed so it now shows the newest campaign first.
  • Look and feel on boxes and cards are aligned with the material design philosophy.
  • Company information in the Relations tab is changed to align with the database structure. It now displays the organization id and SID for unique link generation.


  • Text alignment between cards in the Templates tab.
  • Users without a name now also get emails when invited to new organizations.



  • Users now get an email whenever they are invited to a new organization even when their accounts already exist.
  • Generic way of serving paginated results to API requests when the parameters skip and take are present in the request URL.


  • API rate limit lifted to 500 requests/second for adding campaign members. Bulking respondents together is still advised when it is practical.



  • Full language support for Chinese on surveys, templates, and reply page.
  • Partial language support for Korean. This translation is currently only available for DEIF until we get a full translation.
  • Inviting an existing user to a new organization now sends an email detailing what organization they are invited to including a link to log in.


  • The placement of "Very Likely" text in template creation, it now correctly aligns to the right when smileys are enabled in the preview.
  • Some languages would not show correct previews when building a campaign on the frontend. Affect languages include Czech, Spanish, Slovenian, Polish, Turkish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian, Slovakian
  • Inviting an existing user no longer gives an error if the user already has the claim you are trying to grant. Now it tries to add the claim to ensure it exists, and then grant access.



  • Two way SMS surveys for DK customers. (BETA)
  • Twilio Status Callback handlers


  • Validation of webhook requests from Twilio to prevent malicious requests.



  • Text Message count is now shown in the summary bar in the Relations tab (


  • The summary bar on the Relations tab should now load approximately 10x faster, and calculations are tweaked to be more correct.
  • New organizations can once again be created, they now automatically get a SID or SecretID that can be used to generate unique links without contacting our API first.

  • Corrected calculation on Analytics It did not calculate the correct NPS when two or more replies got the exact same timestamp.

  • Fixed an error preventing users to submit a survey with extra questions if a tag is picked and no comment is written in the follow-up question or extra question. Data was correctly saved, but it looks like an error for the user.



  • Campaign Analytics Responses no longer excludes responses with identical rating time.