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Status codes

Last updated: 2022-12-05

Status codes is a part multiple different objects, but primarily used in the the CampaignMember model in our API, and are named AdditionStatus. It is used to describe the current state of a single respondents participation in a survey. Other status codes are mentioned later in this document.


Our status codes are split into groups that tries to mimic HTTP status codes but with an extra digit. so 0-1999 means that the entity is still being processed but got this far, 2000-3999 is sucesses and above 4000 is errors so the codes may be easier to recognize and sort for developers. For everyone else, it will appear with shortcodes and detailed descriptions.

Range description
0-999 Indicates different stages of sucessfully received new campaignMembers
2000-2499 Sucessfull status that happens after has sucessfully recieved handled campaignMembers including handover to subproviders and sucessfull user actions
2500-2999 Survey sucessfully answered
3000-3999 Sucessfull status of negative events that are not ment to be in common reports and dashboards
4000-4999 Errors occuring at
5000-5099 Unknown errors occuring at our providers
5100-5199 Errors occuring at our Email providers
5200-5299 Errors occuring at our SMS providers

Status code list

code shortcode description
0 added respondent / campaignMember sucessfully added to
10 scheduled survey has been scheduled for processing
2010 sent survey has been sucessfully handed over to a subprovider
2020 Delivered survey has been sucessfully delivered as per notification from our providers. (Not guaranteed as we are not always provided with this data)
2030 Opened respondent has opened an email survey (not guaranteed as some providers prohibit this behaviour)
2040 Clicked respondent has clicked on a link in the survey. (Only Email, and not guaranteed as some providers prohibit this behaviour)
2050 Reminded A reminder has been send to the respondent.
2051 Reminded A reminder has been attempt to send but failed to do so.
2510 Rated respondent has given a rating, but not fully completed the survey.
2520 Commented respondent has added a comment, but not fully completed the survey.
2600 Completed respondent has fully completed a survey and clicked the final submit button.
2701 ScoreChangedInternally When the score is changed by a user in the dashboard
2702 CommentChangedInternally When the comment is changed by a user in the dashboard
3010 Unsubscribed respondent has unsubscribed from this exact surevy participation.
4000 InternalUnknownError Any internal error that is not described with a 4xxx number below.
4001 Duplicate respondent already exists on this campaign and duplicates are not allowed on this campaign.
4002 Throttled respondent has recently received another survey from your account and a Throttling period on your campaign prevents the survey from being delivered.
4003 CallDurationTooShort When a survey is triggered from a call to a connected contact center but the call was shorter than a preset minimum talk time (default 10 seconds).
4004 InvalidPhone respondents phonenumber is invalid. Ensure the phonenumber is provided in the E.164 format. (+45... for DK, +1... for USA)
4005 InvalidEmail respondents email address is clearly invalid. Ex. Missing @ or has no valid domain ending like .com no delivery attempt will be made.
4006 AlreadyUnsubscribed respondent has unsubscribed before this campaign participation. (see 3010)
4007 CampaignEnded A respondent was added or survey scheduled after the target campaign has been closed
4008 DuplicatedDetected A respondent received a survey a few seconds ago. Even when throttling is not enabled, this mechanism works as an anti-spam safe guard.
5000 ExternalUnknownError Unknown external error.
5001 ExternalBounced Unknown bounce error at a provider. Delivery failed or not attempted from provider.
5100 EmailServiceFailed Unknown error occuring at our Email provider provider.
5101 EmailServiceBounced Email address is either invalid, blocked, unsubscribed (outside your account), does not exist or is in another way blacklisted at our mail provider.
5200 SMSServiceFailed Unknown error occuring at our SMS provider.
5201 SMSServiceBounced The targeted phonenumber is blacklisted by our SMS provider and no delivery attempt will be made.
5202 SMSServiceNumberNotCapableOfReceivingSMS The targeted phone does not support the message we are trying to deliver. Ex. phone could be landline, or older cellphone with insufficient SMS storage space

SMS codes

For most of these codes please refere to the CampaignMember status codes as other things may have happend that is not vislble in the codes below.

SMS status codes

code shortcode description
0 Added The SMS survey has been added, but not yet processed
1 Sent The SMS message has been sucessfully delivered to a provider
2 Cancelled Something caused the message to not be sent.
3 CancelledThrottle SMS Not send casue the respondent is throttled
4 NotCapableOfReceivingSMS The device this phonenumber belongs to is not capable of receiving SMS messages

SMS types

type shortcode description
0 survey The original SMS survey send to a respondent
1 remider A reminder copy of the original survey
2 manualResend A user triggered resend of the above survy

Email codes

For most of these codes please refere to the CampaignMember status codes as other things may have happend that is not vislble in the codes below.

Email status codes

code shortcode description
0 Scheduled Scheduled for delivery
1 Sent Handed over to Sendgrid or Flowmailer
2 Opened* Respondent has opened the email (Note that this is not always posible to detect)
3 CancelledThrottle The respondent is throttled, email is not sent
4 Bounced The email has bounced. i.e. not delivered because email does not exist, unreacheable or have blacklisted this sender
5 Clicked Respondent has clicked a link in the email
6 CancelledInactive Respondent did not recieve email because they were unsubscribed or "blacklisted"
7 CancelledDoNotContact Respondent did not recieve email because they were unsubscribed or "blacklisted"
8 CancelledEndedCampaign Email was not sent because the campaign was closed when delivery was attempted
9 CancelledReminder Reminder email not delivered becasue survey was already answered

Email types

type shortcode description
0 survey The original SMS survey send to a respondent
1 remider A reminder copy of the original survey
2 manualResend A user triggered resend of the above survy



  • Added statuscodes for SMS messages
  • Added statuscodes for Email


  • First version of this document published.