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P-GAP for Salesforce

What is P-Gap

P-Gap is an estimation between an inexperienced employee and a customer. The Employee estimates how satisfied the customer is after closing the case. The estimation result is given as an NPS rating (0-10).

Read more about P-GAP.

Case Agent Rating Modal

A modal pops up prompting the employee to give an agent rating for the case. As an admin, you can customize the p-gap modal being shown to users who are in p-gap periods. The easiest way of doing this is by going to a case (no specific case) and click on customize p-gap modal. : Alt text
This will bring up the modal in a customizable mode. The admin is then able to do the following:

  • Change the color of rating boxes.
  • Show or hide header.
  • Set the title of header.
  • Set the title of agent question.
  • Set the title at the left scale.
  • Set the title at the right scale.

When you are done customizing, click apply changes and exit afterwards. These changes will be saved in “NPS.Today settings”.
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If the user who is logged in (not the case owner) is in a p-gap period for the campaign, a popup should appear instead like so: Alt text