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Campaign member

A campaign member is the recipient data added to a campaign. Each campaign member will be added with a unique ID.
A campaign member can appear on all tabs in the campaign member table


A respondent is the data you see under the respondent tab. A respondent will be added, the first time a recipient is added to a campaign and will appear on the campaign as a campaign member.

A respondent can belong to several campaigns as a campaign member. This means, that if you delete a respondent you will also delete all related campaign members.

Adding Users

How can I add a new user to my account?

To add a new user to your account, you need to invite them. Depending on their roles, you can choose either "User" or "Admin". A user with "Admin" status will have the ability to add and remove other users. This is not possible for a user with "User" status. For more details, please check the full guide on How to add users.

What's the difference between "User" and "Admin" status?

The main difference between a "User" and an "Admin" is their level of control over the account. A "User" can access the account but can't add or remove other users. On the other hand, an "Admin" can add or remove users, granting them greater control over the account. For more information, refer to the section on user roles in the guide How to add users.

What should I do if I need more user licenses for my account?

If you require more user licenses for your account, you should contact the support team at More details on how to request additional licenses can be found in the guide How to add users.

Allowing Duplicates in Campaigns

How can I allow duplicates in my campaign?

To allow duplicates in your campaign, you need to enable this feature. This will let respondents receive a survey from the same campaign more than once, which is particularly useful for ongoing campaigns. For more information on enabling this feature, see the How to allow duplicates on your campaign guide.

In what scenarios should I enable or disable duplicates?

  • Enable duplicates: For instance, if you have a Contact Center survey that is sent after each call, the same respondent might call the Contact Center again in a month and should be able to receive the survey again.
  • Disable duplicates: For instance, if you're sending out a relational NPS survey for Q4 2022, and you want to ensure that no respondent gets the survey more than once.

For a more detailed explanation, refer to the use cases in How to allow duplicates on your campaign.

How can I avoid spamming my respondents when "Allow duplicates" is enabled?

To avoid spamming your respondents when the "Allow duplicates" feature is enabled, you can enable Throttling. This "freezes" the respondent from receiving surveys for a chosen period, which is highly recommended. For instructions on enabling Throttling, check out the guide on How to use throttling as anti-spam.

Why is my survey not being sent?

This could be because the Duplicates feature is not enables. With this feature disabled, a survey will only be sent once, and after this, it will land in failed.

See here How to allow duplicates on your campaign.

Using Throttling as Anti-Spam

What is throttling and how does it prevent survey spamming?

Throttling is a feature that prevents survey spamming by defining a time interval in which a respondent cannot receive surveys. Essentially, the respondent is "frozen" for the duration of this interval. For more detailed information on how this works, you can visit the guide on How to use throttling as anti-spam.

When is throttling relevant and when can it be used?

Throttling is only relevant when the "Duplicates" feature is allowed, which means respondents can receive a survey on a campaign more than once. Throttling is only available when editing existing campaigns. For more details, see the note section in the guide on How to use throttling as anti-spam.

Can you provide a use case for throttling?

Let's say a customer calls Customer Service multiple times within a short period. Should they receive a survey after each call? With throttling, you can block surveys 2 and 3 to prevent spamming the customer with surveys. For more examples and use cases, refer to the use case section in the guide on How to use throttling as anti-spam.

Viewing Survey History on Campaign Members

How can I view the survey history on a campaign member?

You can view the survey history directly on the campaign member. This shows whether a survey was Sent, Delivered, Throttled, etc. If a survey was sent and opened but not answered, or if you sent a survey and it failed, you can check this information here. You can also add the "Status" column on your response tables for a quick overview of the status code on a campaign member. More details.

What is the purpose of checking the status on a campaign member?

Checking the status of a survey on a campaign member allows you to understand what happened to the survey. For instance, whether it was delivered, opened, answered, or if it failed. More details.

Where can I find an overview of all status codes?

An overview of all the status codes can be found in the "Status Codes" guide. This provides descriptions and meanings for each status code. Check the status codes here.

Where is my survey?

Check the statuscodes to get an overview of what happened to the survey. It is likely, that it was throttled, blocked from duplictae restriction, ended up in spam due to an unverified email domain.

Check the status codes here

Using the Full Report for Survey Status

The Full report is a tool that can be used to obtain a complete list of every status connected to respondents on a campaign. This includes information such as bounced surveys, invalid emails, clicked surveys, opened surveys, and more. See the full guide here.

Where can I find the status of a survey in a report?

The status of a survey in a report can be found within the Full report section of the guide. This provides information on bounced surveys, invalid emails, clicked surveys, opened surveys, and other status information. More details.

Viewing Survey Status on Campaign Table

What information can I find on each campaign table?

Each campaign table provides information about respondents under the following headers: Responses, Delivered, Scheduled, and Failed. These represent all answered surveys, all delivered but not yet answered surveys, respondents that are added and scheduled but not yet sent, and all attempted sendouts which failed, respectively. See the full guide here.

How can I check the individual history of each respondent?

You can click on each respondent to check their individual history. This includes their response history, delivery status, scheduled status, and failure status. More details.

Using Filters to Search in Tables

How can I filter and search in a table?

You can use the filter function to search by specific parameters like email or name. It's also possible to search for just a part of a text. You can adjust which data (Columns) you are searching for and on which parameters (Operator). See the full guide here.

Can I search for a part of a text in a table?

Yes, the filter function allows you to search for just a part of a text in a table. This can be useful when looking for specific entries or data points. More details.

How can I adjust which data I am searching for?

You can adjust which data you are searching for by selecting different Columns and Operators in the filter function. This allows you to refine your search and find exactly what you're looking for. More details.

Adding Additional Questions to Surveys

How can I add additional questions to my surveys?

You can add up to five additional questions to your surveys. These can be a rating, free text field, option box, or checkbox. However, it's advised to limit the number of extra questions to ensure that respondents complete the survey. See the full guide here.

What types of additional questions can I add?

You can add a variety of question types, including rating questions, free text fields, option boxes, and checkboxes. These provide flexibility in how you collect responses. More details

Send Out Delay

How can I set up a send out delay for my surveys?

You can set up a send out delay for your surveys by following a specific set of steps. This delay can be set to days, hours, minutes, or seconds. This is particularly useful when you don't want your customers to receive a survey immediately after an event, such as a call ends. See the full guide here.

Can I set a send out delay in minutes?

Yes, you can set the delay in any unit of time that suits your needs, including minutes. This can be useful when you want a short delay, such as 10 minutes after a customer service call. More details.

Macros in Reports

How can I enable macros in reports?

If you're encountering issues with macros being blocked in Microsoft Office files, you can manually enable them. This requires saving the file to a local or network drive, accessing file properties, and unblocking the macros. See the detailed steps in the full guide.

What reports contain macros?

The following reports from contain macros:

  • NPS by campaign
  • NPS by category
  • NPS by segment
  • NPS by industry
  • NPS by employee. Learn more.

I've downloaded an report but can't access it. What should I do?

If you're unable to access the file, it may be due to Microsoft's security policy blocking macros. Save the file to a local hard drive, network share, or cloud share like OneDrive. Then right-click the file, choose Properties, and select the Unblock checkbox. Detailed instructions.

The consent collection feature can be enabled if you wish to collect consent for public use of answers. To add this feature, you need to configure it in the survey settings. For a step-by-step guide, please refer to the full guide.

You can choose between opt-in or opt-out consent collection. Opt-in requires respondents to actively consent by ticking a box, while opt-out allows them to actively withdraw their consent. Please note, however, that the default setting is opt-in and opting out is not generally advised due to GDPR considerations. You can learn more about this in the full guide.

The consent box can be placed either after the follow-up question or after the completion text when the survey is finished. See examples in the full guide.

Completion Text Customization

How can I change the completion text for my surveys?

The completion text appears when the survey is finished by respondents. To change it, you need to access the survey settings. For a step-by-step guide on how to change the completion text, please refer to the full guide.

Can I customize the completion text based on respondent's feedback?

Yes, you can individualize your completion text by Detractor (0-6), Passive (7-8) and Promotor (9-10) scores. For instance, for Detractors, you can focus on creating a mitigating text, telling them that their feedback will be used for future improvements. For Promoters, you could add a link to your Trustpilot, G2, or Google Review profile in the completion text. To learn more about how to set this up, refer to the full guide

Yes. We recommend you add this at the completion text, and add it to the completion text to promoters.

full guide

Can I direct respondents to trustpilot or a review site?

Yes. We recommend you add this at the completion text, and add it to the completion text to promoters.

full guide

Anonymizing Respondent Data

How can I ensure the anonymity of respondents in my surveys?

To anonymize all personal data related to a respondent, you can activate the 'Force Anonymous' feature. Once activated, all respondent data is anonymized when their ratings enter back into the system. If a respondent does not answer, their personal data remains accessible. This feature is often used for employee surveys to ensure employee anonymity. Please note, anonymizing ratings is irreversible! For more details, refer to the full guide.

What are the usecases for the "Force anonymous" function?

This is a good feature to use for employee NPS or, of course, any type of survey where anonymity is needed.

What should I be aware of when using this feature?

Once the survey is answered, all respondent data is anonymous. This is irreversable.

Managing Email Surveys with the "Single submit feature"

What is Single Submit and how can it help avoid false ratings in email surveys?

Single Submit is a feature designed to mitigate false ratings in email surveys caused by "email click bots" - security applications run by businesses and email providers that scan each email and click every link to check for safety. Since these bots can trigger responses as if a human clicked the rating link, it can lead to false data. The Single Submit feature ensures that the response is only collected when the respondent finishes the survey by clicking 'Send'. However, enabling this feature could potentially lead to a lower response rate. For more details, refer to the full guide.

How can I identify false ratings caused by email click bots?

Email click bots often click through all the links in an email within a short timeframe from when the survey is delivered. Signs of a false rating can include:

  1. A short time difference between when the survey was sent and when it was answered.
  2. The absence of a comment.
  3. A large number of clicks. For more information on identifying false ratings, see the full guide.

A respondent claims to have never answered the survey. However, their response is visible in the system?

This could be a bot answer, which is a result of very agressive spamfilters.

What can I do to prevent this?

Managing SMS Surveys

How do I add an SMS sender name?

To add an SMS sender name, you must first have it authorized by Please contact with your organization details and the exact name of the sender you wish to authorize. Please note, sender names can only contain alphanumeric characters and should be between 3-11 characters long due to restrictions set by the GSM phone standard. For more details, refer to the full guide.

How do I add a text to my SMS survey?

In your SMS survey text, you must include {LINK} where you want the respondent to click to access the survey. Be aware that phone carriers measure SMS texts in segments, typically of 160 characters. Therefore, the length of your SMS text will influence your SMS cost. For example, a message of 161-320 characters counts as two SMS messages. For more information, see the full guide.

Personalizing Surveys with Data Merging

How can I personalize a survey by adding data fields such as respondents names, contact person etc. to the text?

Data fields, such as {FIRSTNAME}, can be used to personalize your survey texts. To do this, you must have the data available in the specific data field, regardless of whether you have trigger-based surveys or do manual send-outs. For example, you can use it to address respondents by their name. More information on merge fields can be found in the full guide.

How can I use merge fields in a real use-case?

Merge fields can be used in many ways to tailor your survey to the respondent. For instance, in the context of a support service, you could personalize the survey text to reference specific case details, like the case title or case ID. You can find an example of this in the full guide.

Adding Unsubscribe Option to Surveys

How can I allow respondents to unsubscribe from surveys?

To allow respondents to unsubscribe from surveys, there is a process you can follow. However, note that respondents cannot unsubscribe from a universal link campaign, as no data is collected on them, and it is therefore not known who is answering. More information on this process can be found in the full guide.

Adding Users

How can I invite users to my account?

To invite users to your account, you have the option to assign either "User" or "Admin" roles. If a user is granted "Admin" status, they will have the ability to add and remove users themselves, which is not possible with a "User" status. If you need more user licenses for your Account, please contact support at More information on inviting users can be found in the full guide.

Allowing Duplicates in Your Campaign

What does it mean to enable duplicates in my campaign?

When you enable duplicates in your campaign, it means that your respondents can receive a survey from the same campaign more than once. This feature is useful for ongoing campaigns where respondents should be able to receive surveys multiple times. If you want to ensure that respondents only receive a survey once for a specific campaign, you can disable duplicates. You can find more details about this in the full guide.

What are some use cases for enabling and disabling duplicates?

  • When enabled: If you have a Contact Center survey sent after each call, the respondent can call the Contact Center again in a month and should be able to receive the survey again.
  • When disabled: If you are sending out your relational NPS survey for Q4 2022, and you want to ensure that no one gets the survey more than once. For more examples, see the full guide.

How can I avoid spamming my respondents with "Allow duplicates" enabled?

To ensure you're not spamming your respondents when "Allow duplicates" is enabled, you can enable Throttling to "freeze" the respondent from receiving surveys in a chosen period (highly recommended). More about this tip is available in the full guide.

Why is my survey not showing up?

This might be due to the fact that duplicates are not enabled on your campaign.

See how to enable duplicates: full guide

Check your survey status, and if it is blocked from duplicates not being allowed: full guide

Blocking send outs From Campaigns

What happens when I enable "Manual Delivery" from a campaign?

When you enable this feature, no surveys will be sent from the system on the campaign in question. However, respondents will still be added to the campaign as "Scheduled" or "Failed". If you disable the "Manual delivery" feature later, the already added surveys will NOT be sent retrospectively. More details can be found in the full guide.

When should I use the “Manual delivery” feature?

The “Manual delivery” feature is very useful for testing scenarios. For instance, when you are setting up an integration, you'll need to test the setup before going live. "Manual Delivery" allows you to verify if respondents are being added to the system, and if the meta data is transferred correctly to your campaign. You can find more about this tip in the full guide.

I am testing an integration - is there a test/demo/sandbox enviroment available?

Using the "Manual delivery" feature enables you to test your setup without sending out any surveys: full guide

Categorizing Answers

How can I categorize the answers from respondents?

You can add categories to the comments from respondents. This will provide you with a better understanding of the various focus areas, with each category showing its individual NPS score. It will enable you to take your NPS feedback analysis to a new level. Details on how to do this can be found in the full guide.

Where can I view the NPS score per category?

You can view the NPS score per category on your live dashboard. For instructions on how to create live dashboards, you can follow this guide.

Changing Email Sender

How can I change the email sender in my survey campaign?

The email sender can be changed under the “employees” section. Here, you can set up both the sender's name and email. In the system, employees are considered as “survey senders”. You can modify the sender name by editing the "Firstname" column and change the sender email by updating the email associated with the employee. Once the employee details are created/edited, you can add the new sender in the campaign builder. Further instructions can be found in the full guide.

How can I verify my domain for the new email sender?

When changing the email sender, it's important to ensure that your domain (e.g., is verified in the system. If you're unsure if your domain is verified or need a new domain verified, please email More information about email domain verification can be found in this guide.

Can I copy or clone a campaign?

Use the cloning feature for a quick copy of an existing campaign, that you would like to reuse.

Be aware that all text and feature settings are transferred to the cloned campaign, but respondent and send out data is not.


How can I create an API key?

Create an API key and use it when integrating to your systems.


Consider creating individual API keys if you have multiple integrations where this is required. This can be compared to unique vs. generic passwords – you should always use different passwords, not generic ones.

Several API keys will make it possible to close your API connection to separate systems instead of having to close down all connections because you only have one API key for all of your integrations.

See below how to add an API key


Live Dashboard Creation and Sharing

How do I create a live dashboard for my survey data?

To create your own dashboards, navigate to the dashboard site at Use the same login credentials as when logging into your account. You can choose the data to be displayed such as respondent names, responsible employees, NPS per campaign, etc. You can also select the campaigns you want to view data from. Detailed instructions can be found in this guide.

How can I share the live dashboard I created?

Once your dashboard is set up, you can share it by using the link in any browser or sharing it directly with your colleagues. Please note that shared links can be deactivated when no longer in use. More details on this can be found in the guide.

Is there an easy way to share NPS data/responses with others?

Yes. Using the Livedashboards enables you to create and easily share a dashboard with anyone you choose guide

You can create an anonymous link campaign that can be used in any browser. This feature is especially useful for in-store surveys, conferences, or any instance where on-site feedback from customers/visitors is needed. The links can also be converted into QR codes, allowing the survey to be updated whenever changes are made to the link campaign in the system. More information can be found in this guide.

How can I get specific data from anonymous respondents?

Since all answers from a universal link campaign will be anonymous, you may choose to add extra questions to the survey, asking respondents to provide their contact info if you wish to contact them or need specific data from them. However, remember that the respondents' participation is voluntary. The campaign can be disabled to stop collecting responses at any time. Check the guide for more details.

How do I delte responses/test answers?

Go to “Respondents” and select the respondent(s) you would like to delete.

Use Filter to finde the respondent(s) you are looking for.


Deleting a respondent will delete ALL associated history, including all responses the respondent may have made on different campaigns on your account.

See how to delete a respondent below here

Can I delete/remove a campaign?

See below how to delete an individual campaign, including all associated respondent data.


Predifined categories in surveys

Can I add categories to my survey?

Enabling “Show Categories” allows the respondent to add a category to their response. This is an easy way to let the respondent give a reason for their ratin/comment.

This is also a tool to get more information from the respondent if they don’t add a comment.

This feature is good to use if you have large volume of responses and don’t have time to categorize the response manually in


I want more comments on NPS answers. Is there a way to get more info/details on my NPS responses?

Yes. Adding a category option to your surveys is great tool for optimizing your feedback:

Adding predefined categories to your surveys

Each campaign member is connected to their own unique survey, which can be accessed via a unique link found on the "Response details" page. This feature can be useful when a respondent can't find the survey; in this case, you can send them a new one or provide them the unique link to the survey already sent. You can send this link from your own email address. Check the guide for more details.

Increasing Survey Response Rate

How can I increase my survey response rate?

There are different strategies you can implement to increase your survey response rate. Here are a few:

Add a reminder to your campaign.

This will send an additional survey to respondents who haven't yet responded. You can specify the time delay for the reminder in the campaign settings. More details can be found in this guide.

Use your own domain as the email sender.

This enhances trust as the survey receiver can relate to the sender email. To use your domain, you need to verify that our IP addresses can send out email with your domain. More information on setting up your own domain can be found in this guide.

Communicate clearly about the Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Explain what it is, why you use it, and how you utilize the feedback to optimize your business and enhance customer experience. Consider sending a teaser mail to respondents before your NPS send out. Inform them of the domain or SMS sender name you will be using, and what the purpose of sending the survey is.

How can I increase the volume of survey respondents?

There are several ways to increase the number of respondents:

Lower the number of throttling days.

Throttling is an anti-spam measure that, when set too high, can block many surveys from being sent out. Balancing between getting more responses and not spamming your customers with surveys is essential. You can learn more about using the throttling feature in this guide.

Add more respondents

In a B2B scenario, it may be beneficial to survey more stakeholders at a company. Different stakeholders might have varied experiences with your company, making it important to get feedback from all relevant parties.

Power BI - sharing and publishing

How to publish a Power BI dashboard to a Workspace

When you are done working with your Power dashboard in the PowerBI desktop app you can publish it to an online Workspace to share with others.

See below GIF on how to publish a power dashboard to an online Workspace guide

How do I share my Power BI dashboard?

When your Power dashboard is published to an online Workspace you will often need to share your power dashboard with your co-workers.

Microsoft has made a complete guide on different ways to share your power dashboards.
See the guide here

How do I reset my password?

See the guide here

You can also use this direct link:

Can I schedule a survey for a later/another time?

Use the scheduling function, if you would like to queue your surveys for a specific send out time. If for instance, you need to send surveys early morning, you can use this feature for an easier send out.


Be aware, that once the survey is scheduled, the action cannot be undone. Only option to stop the send out is to close your campaign.

See this guide for how to schedule a survey.


Can I send out reminders on surveys?

Yes. You set up reminders on the campaign level. Watch how here:


Will reminders be sent to respondents who already answered?

No. Reminders are only sent to those who did not yet answer their survey.


You can upload new logos to the system and delete the ones you no longer need. Once added, the logos will be available on each campaign in the system.

Be aware, that logos which are used in a campaign, cannot be deleted while still in use.


Yes. See here how to delete a logo: guide

Why is my logo not being deleted?

If your logo is in use on a campaign, you will get an error trying to delete it. Remove it from the campaign where it is in use, and you will be able to remove it.

Testing Surveys

How can I test my survey before sending it out?

Before sending out your survey, you can test it using the "Single Sendout" feature. If you're testing an SMS survey, don't forget to include the area code (like +45 for Denmark). More details can be found in this guide.

Can I test my survey using an Excel template?

Yes, you can use the Excel template provided by us to send out surveys and tests. Add the respondent with relevant data and send out as shown in this guide. Remember, you don't need to fill out all headers in the Excel template and you can delete the ones you're not using.

Can I test a survey from an integration with npstoday?

If you're testing a survey from an integration with npstoday and you only have production/customer data to test with, you can enable "Manual delivery" in your Campaign editor. This will block all surveys from being sent out, ensuring no surveys will reach your customer. More details can be found in this guide.

How do I delete test responses?

To delete a test response, you need to delete the respondent related to your test response under the "Respondent" tab. Please note, deleting a respondent will delete all associated history, including all responses the respondent may have made on different campaigns on your npstoday account. You can learn more about this in the guide. If you need to delete a single campaign member, please contact with the name and the email or phone number of the campaign member you would like to be deleted.

Response Rate and Respondents

How is the response rate calculated on the platform?

The response rate on the platform is calculated by dividing the number of unanswered Campaign members exposed to a survey within a given time frame by the number of responses within the same time frame. More information can be found in this guide.

Are there any survey status codes that exclude a campaign member from being counted as a respondent?

Yes, certain status codes exclude a campaign member from being counted as a respondent. These include "Throttled", "Duplicates", "Invalid Email", "Invalid Phone", "Email Survey Bounced", "SMS Survey Bounced", "Already Unsubscribed", and "Call Duration Too Short". Details about these codes can be found in this guide.